Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Rainy Day

I was a little worried when I saw all the dark clouds this morning. I knew we needed the rain but I wasn't sure how the day would go with 2 kids stuck in the house. At least most days we have the option of leaving the house or playing in the back yard, but today we were going to be forced to stay inside. The day turned out great. Heidi discovered the joy of pushing her shopping cart around the upstairs. It was really the first time she "went shopping". She even put her "opie" bear and baby doll in the cart and pushed them all around. We also played downstairs for a good chunk of the day. I moved all the couches and table out of the way and made an obstacle course for Heidi to run through. I put throw pillows on the ground for her to walk on to practice balance. Then I rolled up some towels as her speed bumps to jump over (she's so cute when she tries to jump, just can't get both feet off the ground... too cute). Next she had to go through the hula hoop and finish by going under the blanket that laid across two chairs. So she did all the basics, over, under, through, and on top. It was fun and she giggled her way through.

Noah, my wildman, kept trying to follow her and pull down the hula hoop. Boy he's a handful. I love my Noah. He was no problem keeping busy today. He had a good assortment of shoes to chew on, tables to pull up on, and dog toys to chase after. Why is it he chooses these dirty yucky things over the nice colorful noise making toys we have for him? Come on, mom's flip flops over a 4 key piano? Why do we even bother to buy toys for him?

All in all the day was great. Even though I did manage to get the kids dressed, I never made it that far for me. I love a good lazy day every once in a while. Although, now my definition of a lazy day is not laying on the couch watching Lifetime movies all day. The new definition of a lazy day is giving the kids just enough to occupy themselves so I don't have to spend the day driving them around to activities to keep them entertained. Wow, what a change!

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